Corporate governance
The framework and policies which govern how we operate
Our governance approach
Dexus prides itself in ensuring the highest standard of corporate governance and is focused on fostering a culture of ethical conduct and best practice.
The Dexus Board believes that good corporate governance supports:
- A culture of ethical behaviour resulting in an organisation that acts with integrity
- Improved decision-making processes
- Better controls and risk management
- Improved relationships with stakeholders
- Accountability and transparency
Dexus Funds Management Limited (DXFM) is the Responsible Entity of each of the two trusts that comprise Dexus and is also responsible for management of the group's third party capital partner investments. To maintain best practice corporate governance across its funds and mandates, the Board has established a corporate governance framework to apply to these funds and third party capital partner investments. Each year we review our policies and practices in accordance with best practice and the latest edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s principles and recommendations.
Corporate Governance Statement
2024 Corporate Governance Statement
This Corporate Governance Statement was approved by the Board on 13 August 2024.
It includes a reconciliation of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles & Recommendations - Fourth Edition (ASX Principles) against Dexus’s governance framework which discloses how Dexus met each of the ASX Principles during the financial year ended 30 June 2024 (reporting period).
Our governance framework
The Board has implemented a corporate governance framework that applies to all DXFM funds comprising the ASX-listed entity DXS, the Dexus Wholesale Property Fund (DWPF), the Dexus Healthcare Property Fund (DHPF) and all third party capital partners.
Key documentation that outline our corporate governance framework, including Charters, Committee & Corporate structures and relevant policies, can be downloaded here:
- Anti Bribery & Corruption Policy
- Anti-Modern Slavery Management Framework
- Auditor Independence Policy
- Biodiversity Procedure
- Conflicts of Interest and Related Party Transactions Policy
- Continuous Disclosure Policy
- Dexus Code of Conduct
- Diversity Target
- Environmental Policy and Statement
- Fraud Prevention Policy
- Human Rights Policy
- Inclusion and Diversity Policy
- Listed Investor Communications Policy
- Pricing Policy - DXS
- Respectful Workplace Policy
- Responsible Investment Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Securities Trading (including inside information)
- Selection and Appointment of External Auditors Policy
- Selection, Appointment and Re-election of NEDs Policy
- Stakeholder Engagement Guidelines
- Sustainability Procurement Procedure and Supplier Code of Conduct
- Whistleblower Policy
- Whistleblower Policy (New Zealand Operations)
- Work Health Safety and Wellbeing Statement
Transitioned AMP Capital entities
Board of Directors
Combating modern slavery
We recognise that every person has the right to live a life that is free from fear, harassment and discrimination, and that everyone is entitled to a universal set of human rights.
We have welcomed the reporting requirement introduced by the Modern Slavery Act 2018 and have published our 2024 Modern Slavery Statement as specified by the legislation. Additional information about how we uphold modern slavery and human rights as part of the Dexus Sustainability Approach is available in our integrated Annual Reporting Suite.
For further information on Dexus’s approach to addressing modern slavery contact
Our constitutions
Dexus Funds Management Limited (DXFM) is the Responsible Entity of each of the two trusts that comprise Dexus and the Constitution of each trust is provided below:
Dexus Property Trust Constitution
Dexus Operations Trust Constitution