Dexus AREIT Fund
Financial advisers, Direct and Wholesale investors
mFund removal
Dexus Asset Management Limited (ABN: 60 080 674 479, AFSL: 237500) (DXAM) is the responsible entity and issuer of the Dexus AREIT Fund (ARSN: 134 361 229, APIR: APN0008AU, mFund code APF01) (Fund).
Following an announcement by the ASX on 27 November 2023 of their intention to wind down the mFund Settlement Service, we wish to advise that DXAM has requested and the ASX have granted approval for the removal of the Fund from the mFund Settlement Service. The removal will occur on Monday 31 March 2025.
Click here for further details and information.
Fund highlights
Income-focused property securities fund
The Dexus AREIT Fund (ARSN: 134 361 229) (APIR: APN0008AU) (DXAF) is an income-focused property securities fund that invests in a portfolio of listed Australian Real Estate Investment Trusts (AREITs).
The fund provides exposure to an underlying portfolio of diversified commercial property across Australia. The aim of the fund (among other things) is to provide investors with a consistent and relatively high level of income, and to have a gross annual income yield (before management fees and expenses) that equates to at least 110% of the average yield benchmark, being the S&P/ASX 300 AREIT Index Dividend Yield.
DXAF adopts a disciplined investment strategy designed to reduce both market and specific risk, while aiming to provide lower-than-market volatility^ and a level of capital growth that at least matches increases in CPI over a five to seven-year time horizon.
Investment objectives
The primary investment return objectives of the Fund are to aim to provide:
- a gross annual income yield (before management fees and expenses) that equates to at least 110% of the average yield of the S&P/ASX 300 AREIT Index Dividend Yield
- a level of capital growth which at least matches increases in CPI over a 5-7 year time horizon
- lower-than-market volatility compared with the S&P / ASX 300 AREIT Index over a 5-7 year time horizon
- Focus on generating sustainable, regular and relatively high income returns through investing in listed property securities
- Access to an underlying diversified portfolio of thousands of quality commercial real estate assets predominantly located in Australia
- Has paid monthly distributions**
- Actively managed (non-index aware) portfolio, applying a highly disciplined and proven strategy designed to deliver on the Fund's income and risk objectives
- Currently liquid - daily applications and withdrawals as at 23 Aug 2024 (under normal market conditions, but withdrawals can take longer in certain cases as set out in the PDS)
Who is this fund suited to?
- Medium-to-long-term investors who are looking for an income-focused investment and the potential for some long-term capital growth
- Investors wanting access to a diversified portfolio of AREITs primarily owning quality commercial real estate
Further information about DXAF can be obtained from the fund’s Product Disclosure Statement. Please refer to the Target Market Determination for further details of the target market for this fund.
Fund facts
Minimum investment |
$1,000 |
Income distribution |
Monthly** |
Management fees and costs |
0.85% p.a. of NAV** |
134 361 229 |
APIR Code |
APN0008AU |
A partnership with Dexus
With four decades of expertise in real estate and infrastructure investment, funds management, asset management and development, Dexus has a proven track record in delivering for investors.
Today we manage a high-quality Australasian real assets valued at $53.4 billion, with a $15.6 billion development pipeline providing the opportunity to both grow portfolios and enhance future returns.
Through our active approach to management and investing, we are positioned to drive long-term performance for our investors and capital partners across Office, Industrial, Retail and Growth Markets, which includes Infrastructure, Healthcare, Alternatives and incubates new sectors and strategies.
Real asset investing

From wind farms, airports and student accommodation to industrial warehouses and shopping centres, Dexus's accessible and diverse range of investment options provide investors with direct exposure to quality Australasian real estate and infrastructure assets. Our focus on owning and actively managing a range of real assets like these, provide real diversification benefits and with less volatility than equities, enhances risk-adjusted returns for income-oriented investment portfolios.
Click to download the Voting Results CY 2022
Click to download the Voting Results FY 2022
Click to download the Voting Results CY 2023
Click to download the Voting Results FY 2023
Contact us
Get in touch with Dexus Real Estate Securities Investor Services
Disclaimers and notes
*Current running yield is calculated daily by dividing the annualised distribution rate by the latest entry unit price. Distributions may include a capital gains component. Distributions are not guaranteed and past performance is not an indication of future performance.
**Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.
***See section 6 of the PDS.
^The Dexus AREIT Fund aims to provide lower than market volatility compared with the S&P/ASX 300 AREIT Index over a 5 – 7 year time horizon.
This material has been prepared by Dexus Asset Management Limited (ACN 080 674 479, AFSL No. 237500) (“DXAM”), the responsible entity and issuer of the financial products of Dexus AREIT Fund (ARSN 134 361 229) without taking account of your objectives, financial situation and needs. Accordingly, and before you receive any financial service from us (including deciding to acquire or to continue to hold a product in any fund mentioned in this material), or act on this material, you should obtain and consider the relevant product disclosure statement(s) (“PDS”), DXAM financial services guide ("FSG”) and relevant target market determination (“TMD”) in full, consider the appropriateness of this material having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs and seek independent legal, tax and financial advice. The PDS, FSG and TMD (hard copy or electronic copy) are available from DXAM, Level 5, 80 Collins Street (South Tower), Melbourne VIC 3000, by visiting, by emailing or by phoning 1300 374 029. The PDS contains important information about risks, costs and fees associated with an investment. Any investment is subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested, and there is no guarantee on the performance of the fund or the return of any capital. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. This material is for general information purposes only, (subject to applicable law) does not constitute financial product advice, and does not constitute an offer, invitation, solicitation or recommendation with respect to any investment. No warranty or representation is provided as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, the recipient releases DXAM and its affiliates from any and all liabilities and losses arising in connection with any person acting on or relying on anything contained in or omitted from this material (whether due to negligence or otherwise). This material is not intended for distribution or use in any jurisdiction where it would be contrary to applicable laws, regulations or directives.