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Dexus’s security register is managed by:

Link Market Services Pty Limited
Level 12, 680 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000

Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235

Phone: +61 1800 819 675 (Toll free within Australia)
Fax: +612 9287 0303

When accessing information online or phoning Link Market Services, please have your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN), as shown on your Issuer Sponsored/CHESS statements, at hand.

Dexus’s ordinary stapled securities are listed on the ASX under the ticker symbol DXS.

Dexus's stapled security comprises a unit in each of the Dexus Property Trust and and Dexus Operations Trust, linked together so that one cannot be transferred or otherwise dealt with without the other. In the case of listed securities, they are jointly quoted on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) as Dexus (DXS) "stapled securities".


You are not required by law to provide us with your Tax File Number, Australian Business Number (ABN) or Exemption. However, if you do not provide your TFN, ABN or Exemption, withholding tax at the highest marginal rate may be deducted from your distributions. If you have not supplied this information and wish to do so, please contact our Infoline on +61 1800 819 675 or your sponsoring broker or use our Investor login portal to download the TFN/ABN form to complete.

In the Investor login portal, you can update your address, bank account details, elect the way we communicate with you, view your security holding and download distribution and tax statements. Dexus provides a significant amount of current and historical information in our Investor Centre.




Dexus’s distribution policy is to pay out distributions in line with free cash flow. Distributions are paid for the six months to December and June each year. Australian and New Zealand security holders receive their distributions by direct credit into a nominated bank account. Other international security holders will receive distributions by cheque.

Distributions are paid every six months - in August for the six months ended 30 June and in February for the six months ended 31 December.

There is no Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRP) facility in operation at present. If and when Dexus reinstates the DRP, security holders will be notified.

If you believe you have unpresented cheques or unclaimed distributions, please update your bank account details by using our Investor login portal or contact Link Market Services on +61 1800 819 675 or dexus@linkmarketservices.com.au

For monies that have been outstanding for more than seven years, you should contact:
NSW Office of State Revenue 
Phone: 1300 366 016 or +61 2 7808 6902
Email unclaimedmoney@revenue.nsw.gov.au
or visit their website to use their unclaimed monies search facility.


The notice required by non-resident security holders and custodians of non-resident investors for the purposes of section 12-395 of Schedule 1 to the Tax Administration Act 1953 is available in our Distributions and Tax section. This notice is provided approximately five days prior to each payment. 

The ex-distribution date is set by the Australian Securities Exchange and is directly related to the record date for each distribution period. Refer to our Key dates page for details of distribution record dates. 

At the end of each financial year, we will provide an Attribution Managed Investment Trust Annual Member Statement (previously the Annual Taxation Statement) to security holders who have received a distribution during the financial year.

The statement summarises distributions paid to you during the year and provides information required to complete your tax return. These statements are provided by the end of August each year. If you did not receive your tax statement, please use our Investor login portal to download your statements and/or change your communication election preference.

You can update your details using our Investor login portal or, alternatively, you can contact Link Market Services on +61 1800 819 675 or dexus@linkmarketservices.com.au

We recommend investors receive their communications electronically via email. You can update communication preferences using our Investor login portal or, alternatively, you can contact Link Market Services on +61 1800 819 675 or dexus@linkmarketservices.com.au.

Our annual reporting suite is available online by 31 August each year in our Investor Results and Reporting section. 

It provides access to the Annual Report, Combined Financial Statements, Results Presentation, Notice of Meeting (after it has been released), our GRI Index reporting and associated sustainability performance data pack.




If you have any questions regarding your security holding, please contact Link Market Services on +61 1800 819 675 or dexus@linkmarketservices.com.au.

Any security holder wishing to lodge a complaint should do so by following the instructions outlined on the Complaint Management page.

Dexus securities are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and securities can be bought or sold through a stockbroker, bank or financial institution that offers brokerage services. 

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