201-203 Power Street, Glendenning


201-203 Power Street, Glendenning is a 10-unit estate with 27,761 square metres of high quality, flexible, ‘build to lease’ industrial space, currently under construction. The development will activate a prime 5ha brownfield site capitalising on record low vacancy in Sydney’s West and leverage the rapidly growing ‘last mile’ e-commerce market and flight to quality trends experienced in the broader market and particularly the tightly held Glendenning precinct. Practical completion is expected to be reached in the March 2024 quarter.

Asset Information

  • Asset typeIndustrial Estate
  • Asset locationSydney Outer West
  • Lettable area ('000sqm)27.71
  • Lettable area adjusted for ownership ('000sqm)27.71
  • OwnerDWPF
  • Ownership (%)100
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