425 Collins Street

425 Collins Street, Melbourne


425 Collins Street is a 10-level office and retail heritage building situated on one of the most high-profile corners of the Melbourne CBD. Its corner-site location and niche floor plates allow for excellent natural light.

Originally built in the 1920s, its renaissance revival architecture and sandstone façade give it a distinct Collins Street identity appealing to tenants who value charm and character. Paired with basement parking, modern lifts and ongoing investment in the base building services, 425 Collins Street perfectly blends old and new.

Asset Information

  • Asset typeB Grade - office
  • Asset locationMelbourne CBD
  • Lettable area ('000sqm)5.29
  • Lettable area adjusted for ownership ('000sqm)5.29
  • OwnerDWAPF
  • Ownership (%)100

  • NABERS Energy rating (with Green Power)4.0
  • NABERS Energy rating (without Green Power)4.0
  • NABERS Water rating3.0
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