60 Grindle Road, Wacol


The property features a ~9,000 square metre warehouse on ~45,000 square metres of land. The location in Wacol provides outstanding connectivity to three arterial roads – the Centenary Highway, Ipswich Motorway and Logan Motorway – enhancing the ability for occupiers such as Vesco to service the South East Queensland and interstate markets. There are also sixteen other food manufacturers in Wacol, and other major companies including Volvo, Bridgestone, Penske and Komatsu.

Asset Information

  • Asset typeIndustrial
  • Year built1980
  • TitleFreehold
  • Site area (hectares)4.5
  • Lettable area ('000sqm)9.0
  • Lettable area adjusted for ownership ('000sqm)9.0
  • Car parking spaces70
  • OwnerDXI
  • Ownership (%)100
  • Major tenantCook Freeze Pty Ltd
  • Acquisition dateSeptember 2019
  • Book value at ownership ($m)22.5
  • Independent valuation dateJune 2024
  • Independent valuation at ownership ($m)22.5
  • Market cap rate (%)7.25
  • Leased by area (%)100
  • Weighted lease term by income (years)4.5
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