Dexus Healthcare Property Fund
Institutional investors
Explore this fund
Dexus Healthcare Property Fund (DHPF) is an open-ended unlisted property fund providing investors with a unique, high-quality portfolio and the opportunity to participate in an asset class with exceptional long-term potential.
The fund is a registered managed investment scheme under the Corporations Act structured to accommodate institutional investors with a minimum application amount of $10 million. DHPF opens to new equity from time to time, and maintains a register of interest for investors wishing to enter the fund. To discuss registering your interest, please contact the fund team via the details below.
Fund highlights
- A high-quality portfolio comprising of circa $1.6 billion of properties (estimated completion value at 30 June 2024) and a weighted average lease expiry of 17.6 years, providing secure income streams
- Access to exclusive healthcare pipeline agreement with Dexus
- A clearly defined strategy to build a diversified healthcare portfolio at scale
- A sector first, Clean Energy Policy, setting ambitious design and operational targets for the Fund
- Strong corporate governance, with a majority independent Board and a unitholder elected Advisory Committee, and
- Manager co-investment providing alignment of interest.
Fund facts
Product Marketing Name | Dexus Healthcare Property Fund |
Fund size | $1.6 billion |
Number of Assets | 11 |
Minimum investment | $10,000,000 |
ARSN | 622 373 791 |
A partnership with Dexus
With four decades of expertise in real estate and infrastructure investment, funds management, asset management and development, Dexus has a proven track record in delivering for investors.
Today we manage a high-quality Australasian real assets valued at $53.4 billion, with a $15.6 billion development pipeline providing the opportunity to both grow portfolios and enhance future returns.
Through our active approach to management and investing, we are positioned to drive long-term performance for our investors and capital partners across Office, Industrial, Retail and Growth Markets, which includes Infrastructure, Healthcare, Alternatives and incubates new sectors and strategies.
Real asset investing

From wind farms, airports and student accommodation to industrial warehouses and shopping centres, Dexus's accessible and diverse range of investment options provide investors with direct exposure to quality Australasian real estate and infrastructure assets. Our focus on owning and actively managing a range of real assets like these, provide real diversification benefits and with less volatility than equities, enhances risk-adjusted returns for income-oriented investment portfolios.
How to invest
Speak to a member of our team and find out more about investing in the Dexus Healthcare Property Fund.

Jemma Maddick
DHPF Fund Manager
P +612 9017 1458

Sarah Jackson
Senior Manager, Investor Relations
P 0411 325 078
Important note
All information on this website is subject to change without notice. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this information contained in this website, to the extent permitted by law, (Dexus: DXS), each of its related body corporates and their respective director, officers and employees, do not make any representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy, currency, reliability or completeness of any statement in it including without limitation, any forecasts. This content has been prepared for the purpose of providing general information only, without taking account of any particular investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Investors should, before making any investment decisions, consider the appropriateness of the information on this website, and seek professional advice, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs.
The information contained on this website should not be considered to be comprehensive or to comprise all the information which a potential investor may require in order to determine whether to invest in a Dexus fund. Prospective investors should refer to the Information Memorandum of the fund for further information, including about risks of which you should be aware.
This content is not intended for distribution or use in any jurisdiction where it would be contrary to applicable laws, regulations or directives and does not constitute a recommendation, offer, solicitation or invitation to invest.