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Security Registry 

Address:  Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235, Australia
Tel:  +61 1800 819 675
Fax:  +61 2 9287 0303
Email:  dexus@cm.mpms.mufg.com
Website: https://au.investorcentre.mpms.mufg.com

Contact MUFG Corporate Markets

* (previously Link Market Services Limited)

Investor login

To login to your security holding, you will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) or your Holder Investment Number (HIN) and your registered postcode. If you have a CHESS sponsored holding (prefixed with an 'X') you may need to change some of your details through your broker.

Once logged in, you may be able to update personal details including your address, distribution payment instructions, tax details and communication options. You can also download your distribution and tax statements.

For security reasons, if a holding is valued at greater than $200,000 or relates to a deceased estate, you won't be able to update some details online. You'll need to download the relevant form from MUFG Corporate Markets. If you have any issues or are unable to login, please contact MUFG on 1800 819 675  or dexus@cm.mpms.mufg.com.

Investor login

Issued capital


Periodically, Dexus undertakes corporate actions that change the total amount of securities on issue (issued capital).

A summary of the changes to Dexus's issued capital since 2004 is provided below showing the average price at which Dexus has issued new securities or bought back and cancelled securities.

Apportionment ratios 

For capital gains tax purposes, security holders need to apportion the cost of each stapled security and the proceeds on sale of each stapled security over the four trusts that make up the stapled security.

This apportionment should be done on a reasonable basis. One basis of apportionment is to use the relative net asset value (NAV) of each of the trusts. (Please note that prior to 30 June 2008, NAV was roughly equal to Net Tangible Assets.)

Using NAV as a basis, the PDF below outlines the apportionment percentages that will apply to any on-or off-market buying or selling of DXS stapled securities, or the issue of new DXS stapled securities between the dates specified.

Please note that the correct allocation percentage to be used depends on the relevant date of the specific transaction. Consequently, the allocation percentage relevant for the acquisition of a parcel of DXS stapled securities, (either on or off market, or through the issue of securities), may differ from their disposal percentage. DXS announces its Net Tangible Assets for each half and full year end.

18 Feb 2025
HY25 Dexus apportionment cost base ratio
30 Jun 2024
2024 Issued capital history

Debt investor information

Disclaimer and Terms of Use


The information contained on, and accessed through this website is provided by Dexus Funds Management Limited as responsible entity for Dexus on an "as is" basis. Dexus takes no responsibility for any error, omission or defect therein.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Dexus and its employees, agents and consultants exclude all liability for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information whether or not caused by any negligent act or omission. If any law prohibits the exclusion of such liability, Dexus limits its liability to the extent permitted by law, to the resupply of the Information.

The Information is not addressed to any person in a jurisdiction where access to it or any use of it would result in a contravention by Dexus or any other person or entity of the laws of that jurisdiction.

The Information is provided to Dexus's debt providers for information purposes only. It is not an offer for subscription or sale, or an invitation or inducement to subscribe for or purchase any securities of Dexus, nor is it intended to induce persons to apply for, buy or sell securities of Dexus. Further, the Information is not intended to constitute investment advice, and should not be relied on in connection with any investment decision. The Information does not take into account any person's investment objectives, financial situation or investment needs.

Dexus's borrowing programs are varied and replaced from time to time. Dexus does not represent that the Information is complete, adequate or up-to-date, nor does it purport to contain or give access to all relevant information to debt providers.

Nothing on this website constitutes an invitation to enter into any contract or other arrangement (whether legally binding or not).

The credit ratings that appear on Dexus's debt investor information pages are provided for use by wholesale clients (within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth)) only and must not be used, and Dexus does not intend or authorise their use, in the support of or in relation to the marketing of financial products to retail investors in Australia.

These terms of use apply to each of Dexus's debt investor information pages.

If you have read these terms and conditions and agree to follow and be bound by them, select "Accept" to proceed.

Periodic statements

Periodic Statement information as at 30 June 2024

Dexus, in compliance with the Corporations Act and Corporations Regulations, is required to send a Periodic Statement to all security holders who are on the register at 30 June of each year.

Periodic Statements provide information including the opening and closing balances of your investment, changes to your investment, management costs (including fees charged), the return on investment, as well as changes in circumstances that may affect your investment.

Fees and costs

Fees and costs are not charged directly to Dexus security holders, however they represent fees and costs incurred by Dexus security holders recognised by Dexus as an expense in its Income Statement for the period.

They include costs such as registry, custody, accounting, other administrative costs and transactional costs. They do not include costs that would be incurred if an investor invested directly into Dexus's assets (e.g. development or property management fees).

Information relating to management costs and Dexus's price performance is provided below.

Additional information regarding Dexus's financial and operational performance (including in relation to applicable investment objectives) is available in Dexus's financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2024. Attribution Managed Investment Trust Annual Member Statements (tax statements) are mailed each year in August. If you have not received your tax statement, please login to your security holding to download your tax statement or contact us using the details below. Dexus Funds Management Limited is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an independent dispute resolution service.

Historical information

Dexus is one of Australia’s leading real estate groups with a corporate history that dates back over 35 years. 2004 marked a key milestone when DB Real Estate became Dexus by stapling three of its listed property trusts, Dexus Diversified Trust (DDF), Dexus Office Trust (DOT) and Dexus Industrial Trust (DIT) with a newly formed trust, Dexus Operations Trust (DXO). The Explanatory Memorandum and Product Disclosure Statement provides further information regarding this transaction.

Dexus stapled securities comprise a proportion of each of the four trusts. Historical distribution and tax information is available in Distributions and Tax History for Dexus, the stapled entity and the three individual trusts held prior to 2004.

Since 2004, a number of regulatory changes and corporate actions have occurred. See information below on changes and/or corporate actions which have been undertaken.

2021 APN Transaction

Dexus acquired APN Property Group (ASX: APD) in August 2021, including the closed funds listed below. Investors can use the following links to access historical and tax information.

APD Shareholders
Dexus Nowra Property Fund (DNPF)
APN Champion Retail Fund

2021 Corporate Simplification

On 22 April 2021 Dexus Funds Management Limited as Responsible Entity of the Dexus Diversified Trust (“DDF”), Dexus Industrial Trust (“DIT”), Dexus Office Trust (“DOT”) and Dexus Operations Trust (“DXO”) (together known as “the Dexus Trusts”), held an Extraordinary General Meeting where Dexus Security holders approved changes to simplify the Dexus corporate structure (the “Simplification”).

On 6 July 2021 Dexus completed a Simplification of its corporate structure which involved reducing the current four trust stapled structure to a two trust stapled structure.

This involved “top-hatting” each of DDF, DIT and DOT with a newly established trust called Dexus Property Trust (“DPT”) to form a dual stapled group comprising DXO and DPT. Details relating to the Simplification were outlined in the Explanatory Memorandum and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting dated 23 March 2021.

The Simplified Group comprises a unit in each of DXO and DPT. There was no change to Dexus’s underlying business and operations, or Security holders’ interests in them (other than for Ineligible Foreign Security holders), after the Simplification was implemented.

Class Ruling and Stamp duty determinations

Prior to proceeding with the Simplification, Dexus was seeking determinations in respect of stamp duty payable and a Class Ruling from the Australian Tax Office to confirm that CGT scrip-for-scrip rollover relief was available to Australian resident Security holders. Dexus confirms that the stamp duty determinations have been received. A description of the tax implications for Security holders is available here.


The consolidated constitutions for each Dexus Trust are available at www.dexus.com/corporategovernance.

2017 Capital reallocation

On 29 November 2017, Dexus announced that it will implement the Capital Reallocation Proposal (Proposal) approved by security holders at the Dexus 2017 Annual General Meeting held on 24 October 2017.

Under the Proposal, Dexus Industrial Trust and Dexus Operations Trust each made a capital distribution of 17.21 cents per unit which will be automatically applied as a contribution of capital of 34.42 cents per unit to Dexus Office Trust. Dexus confirms it remains satisfied that the Proposal is in the best interest of security holders.

In addition, the class ruling described in the Notice of Annual General Meeting and Explanatory Memorandum was issued by the Australian Taxation Office on 8 November 2017, confirming the Australian taxation implications of the capital reallocation for security holders. 

Additional information relating to the capital reallocation is provided below.

Capitol reallocation FAQ
2017 Notice of Meeting
2017 ATO Class Ruling

Attribution Managed Investment Trust (AMIT)

Information pursuant to Subdivision 12-H of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 is provided for non-resident security holders and custodians of non-resident security holders only.

AMIT information

Dexus Funds Management Limited (ACN 060 920 783) ('Responsible Entity') under section 601GCA(3) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) as modified by ASIC Instrument 2016/489 informs members of the trusts that the Responsible Entity amended its the Constitutions of the trusts. The amendments are in connection with the new tax regime applying to managed investment trusts which satisfy the requirements to be AMITs, which was introduced by the Tax Laws Amendment (A New Tax System for Managed Investment Trusts) Act 2016 (Cth) ('AMIT Regime').

Information relating to the AMIT Regime and the amendments made to the Constitutions are available below.

AMIT notice
Dexus Diversified Trust Constitution
Dexus Industrial Trust Constitution
Dexus Office Trust Constitution
Dexus Operations Trust Constitution


Commonwealth Property Office Fund (CPA) Takeover

On 11 December 2013 Dexus (Dexus) and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) (together "the Consortium") made a cash and scrip off-market takeover offer (the "Dexus Offer") to acquire all of the issued units in Commonwealth Property Office Fund (CPA).

The Dexus Offer provided a cash and Dexus scrip consideration. The takeover completed in April 2014 and Dexus Funds Management Limited became the responsible entity of CPA.

Unclaimed cash and scrip consideration from the Dexus Offer were transferred to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC). To claim your outstanding cash and scrip consideration, please visit ASIC’s Moneysmart website or contact them on 1300 300 630. The Bidders Statements provided throughout the Dexus Offer period are available below.

CPA's historical distribution, tax, MIT payment notices, unit price and unit issue details are available at Distributions and Tax History.

Bidders statement
Supplementary Bidders Statement
Secondary Supplementary Bidders Statement
Third Supplementary Bidders Statement
Fourth Supplementary Bidders Statement

Contact us

For more information on investing with Dexus, please contact us below.

Dexus retail investor enquiries

Dexus institutional investor enquiries

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